What is a PAC? PAC stands for Political Action Committee. A PAC is an organization that raises money privately to influence elections or legislation.
Click on the PAC's name to view their website or information (if available).
Total amounts last updated on September 25, 2018. Amounts were obtained from the Florida Department of State, Division of Elections website by total contributions. Conduct your own search by clicking here.
1199SEIU Florida Political Committee- $1,415,675 Represent more than 25,000 healthcare workers in Florida
All About Florida- $9,418,044.51 Philip Levine's PAC for the Governor's race
AFSCE Florida-$756.921.99 American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees
Amendment 2 is for Everybody- $5,560,100 For amendment 2 to keep the cap on annual property tax increases
Associated Industries of Florida- $2,564,500 Known as the "Voice of Business" in the Sunshine State
Build Something That Lasts- $1,152,250 Set up by the Mayor of Jacksonville, Lenny Curry, to support state and local candidates that share his vision.
Building The Bay PC- $508,600 Promote good government in Tampa Bay
Citizens Alliance for Florida's Economy- $2,468,645.97 Chaired by Uber political consultant
Citizens for the Truth About Amendment 3, Inc.- $3,520,000 Against Amendment 3
Committee for Responsible Representation, Inc.- $517,500
Committee of Florida Agents- $733,980 Independent contractor insurance agents
Committee to Advance Constitutional Values- $618,059.41 Shares an address with American Civil Liberties Union.
Committee to Protect Dogs- $2,457,151.85 For Amendment 13
Conquistador PC- $673,581.92 Former funds from Adam Putnam PAC
Conservatives- $750,100.00 Shares an address with United Conservatives
Conservative Principles for Florida- $1,820,400 Associated Legislator: Representative Jose Oliva (next Speaker), the mission is to promote leaders with conservative principles and ideas of efficient and responsible limited government.
Diversity... The Key to the American Dream PAC- $5,001,000 Supports candidates who support immigration reform
Family Always Come First, Inc.- $1,000,000 A liberal advocacy group, associated with Organize Florida, a community-based, nonprofit member organization of low and moderate income people dedicated to the principles of social, racial, and economic justice and the promotion of an equal and fair Florida for all."
First Amendment Fund- $856,800 Receives funding from Protect Florida Families PAC
First Coast Conservatives- $968,539.59 The purpose of this organization is to identify, promote and support conservative and good government principles and people on Florida’s First Coast.
Florida Action Fund PC- $501,621.13 Promote an economical future for Florida and to promote the development of responsible tax and financial policies. Established by Jeremy Ring.
Florida Alliance for Better Government-$1,040,000 Controlled by the former executive director of the Democratic Party- Screven Watson.
Florida Beer Wholesalers Good Government Committee- $595.530.84 Independent Beer Distributors in Florida
Florida Chamber of Commerce Alliance, Inc.- $1,249,000Florida Chamber of Commerce PAC
Florida Chamber of Commerce PAC- $2,303,168 Florida Chamber of Commerce supports free enterprise and believe in Florida's future.
Florida Defense Fund- $5,241,025 Created by Jeff Greene to help candidates in competitive races around the state, in particular senate campaigns
Florida Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee- $5,265,441.04 Electing Democrats
Florida Democratic Party- $15,559,536.02
Florida Education Association Advocacy Fund- $1,168,400 Shares an address with Florida Education Association
Florida Education Empowerment PAC- $637,500
Florida for All, Inc.- $707,000 Affiliated with Democrats and connected with labor unions
Florida Facts- $4,862,000 Shares an address with the Republican Governors Association
Florida Federation for Children- $810,745.90 Support parents selecting the place their kids learn best- Public. Magnet. Charter. Private. Virtual.
Florida Foundation for Liberty- $1,182,462.10 Identifies candidates aligned with the founding principles of the US and Constitution. Associated with Representative Paul Renner.
Florida For a Fair Wage- $478,158.80 Chaired by John Morgan, raises minimum wage to $10 per hour effective September 30, 2021. Then raise it a dollar a year until it is $15 on September 30, 2026.
Florida Grown PC- $23,080,925.90 Adam Putnam's PAC for the Governor's race
Florida Home Builders PAC- $599,393.52 Support Florida's building industry
Florida Jobs PAC- $4,511,254.50 A Florida Chamber of Commerce PAC
Florida Justice PAC- $2,646,909.28 Affiliated with the Florida Justice Association, for pro-justice candidates
Florida Leadership Committee- $3,002,372.09 Chaired by former senator, Jack Latvala.
Florida Manufactured Housing Association PAC Inc.- $607,783 FMHA is an organization dedicated to the promotion of the best-build home in American...modern, precision-built manufactured house."
Florida Medical Association Political Action Committee- $1,856,804.47 Help advance the advocacy agenda of the Florida Medical Association
Florida Phosphate Political Action Committee, Inc.- $645,863.94 Educate policy leaders and promote the interests of the phosphate industry
Florida Professional Firefighters, Inc. Florida Fire-PAC- $749,438.93 To improve the professional status of the Fire and Emergency Services, together with all its full-time paid professional members
Florida Prosperity Fund- $2,624,000 Associated with Associated Industries of Florida
Florida Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee- $16,583,208.47- Chaired by Senator Bill Galvano, supporting republican senate candidates
Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association PAC, Inc.- $511,487.60
Florida Seniors First- $854,366.60
Florida Strong Action PAC, Inc.- $1,409,025
Floridian's United for Our Children's Future- $3,098,500
Floridians for a Fair Democracy, Inc.- $15,281,161.53 In support of Amendment 4, to restore voting rights to felons, excluding murders or a felony from a sexual offense.
Floridians for Ethics, Accountability and Responsibility- $609,031.07 The mission of the Floridians for Ethics, Accountability and Responsibility is to promote ethical, accountable and responsible leadership for Florida. Chaired by Gary Farmer.
Floridians for a Stronger Democracy- $2,780,000
Floridians for Economic Freedom- $1,701,596.62 PAC for Representative Chris Sprowls, set to become Florida Speaker in 2021
Floridians for Ethics, Accountability and Responsibility- $1,135,531.07 Chaired by Gary Farmer
For Florida's Future PC- $727,953.80
Forward Florida- $8,807,072.89 Supports Andrew Gillum who is running for Governor (democrat)
Free Markets for Florida- $718,672.10 Associated with Rep. Travis Cummings, Rep. Manny Diaz, Rep. Ray Rodrigues
FRF Political Committee- $659,135.30 Associated with the Florida Retail Federation
Friends of Ashley Moody- $1,858,925 Ashley Moody is running for Attorney General of Florida
Friends of Dana Young- $1,5722,860.44 Dana Young is running for Florida Senate, District 18
Friends of Jason Brodeur PC- $732,673.34 Jason Brodeur is running for Florida Senate in 2020
Friends of Matt Caldwell- $2,034,809.87 Matt Caldwell is running for the Florida Commissioner of Agriculture
Friends of Ron DeSantis- $17,054,537.32 Ron DeSantis is running for Florida Governor
FTBA Transportation PAC- $1,455,754.99 Florida Transportation Builders Association
Fund for Florida's Future $2,723,568.15 Supports Ron DeSantis for Governor
Gwen Graham for Florida- $10,8234,785.11 Gwen Graham is running for Florida Governor
HCA East Florida Division Good Government PAC- $982,500 Employees of HCA, Jacksonville
HCA North Florida Division Good Government PAC- $1,065,000 Employees of HCA, Tallahassee
HCA West Florida Division Good Government PAC- $1,080,000 Employees of HCA, Palm Harbor
Innovate Florida- $3,537,036.16 Chaired by Senator Bill Galvano
Jobkeeper PC- $687,000
Jobs for Florida- $6,389,981.78 Founded by Senator Wilton Simpson (upcoming Senate President)
Leadership for Florida- $776,741.80 Chaired by Carlos Trujillo
Leadership for Florida's Future- $1,006,000 Chaired by Michael Millner, supports republican politicians
Let's Get to Work- $3,892,173.38 Rick Scott for U.S. Senate PAC
Liberty Florida- $938,355.49 Chaired by Florida Senator Jeff Brandes
Make America Great Again- $886,398.52
Making a Better Tomorrow- $6312,500
Marsy's Law for Florida- $30,370,025 Supports Amendment 6 which will amend the state constitution to ensure crime victims and their families are treated fairly in Florida.
Miami Realtors PAC- $1,423,637.09 Realtors from Miami
Miami's Future, Inc.- $538,175.00
Moms Speak Out- $850,000 Set up to attack Gary Farmer
NextGen Climate Action Committee- $1,300,000 NextGen America acts politically to prevent climate disaster, promote prosperity, and protect the fundamental rights of every American
NRA Political Victory Fund- $500,000 NRA PAC for Florida
OD-EYEPAC- $1,075,939 Florida Optometric Association
Orange County Citizens for Smart Growth- $513,933.09 Sheriff of Orange County, Jerry Demings
People for Accountable Government- $691,011.13 Chaired by Senator Rene Garcia
People versus the Powerful- $1,000,000 AirBnB PAC
Protect Florida Families- $491,311.79 Senator Joe Negron and Senator Lizbeth Benaquisto PAC against excessive taxes and government interference
Realtors Political Advocacy Committee- $6,828,899.60 Florida Realtors PAC
Rebuild Florida- $1,593,093.74 Chaired by Jose Felix Diaz
Republican Party of Florida- $15,181,317.26
Rise and Lead, Florida- $1,674,021.33 Supports Thomas Chris King for Governor
Saving Florida's Heartland- $1,014,750 Supports Denise Grimsley for the Florida Commissioner of Agriculture race
Seamless Florida- $1,301,303 Supporting Rick Baker for St. Pete Mayor
Sean Shaw for Florida- $539,371.71 Supporting Sean Shaw running for Attorney General
South Florida's Future, Inc.- $1,225,025
Sunrise PAC- $610,000- Supporting Rick Kriseman for St. Pete Mayor
Sunshine State Conservatives- $891,556.98 Chaired by Senator Travis Hutson
Sunshine State First- $758,000
Taxpayers in Action- $970,929.73
Teachers for Public Schools Excellence- $750,000
The Conservative- $731,550 Senator Tom Lee PAC
The Responsible Leadership Committee, Inc.- $747,174.33
Treasure Coast Alliance- $811,536 Promoting economic growth and stability by uniting small-businesses and citizens of the region to mobilize them into a force of change
Treasure Florida- $3,395,946.57 PAC for Jimmy Patronis, running for CFO of Florida
Truth Matters, Inc.- $615,000.00
United Conservatives- $1,303,780.43 A member-led political organization dedicated to advancing the conservative movement and working to elect true conservative candidates
United for Progress PAC- $470,000 Chaired by George Soros- Democrat
Voice for Florida Business Political Action Committee- $3,526,600.09 PAC for the Associated Industries of Florida
Vote NO on 3- $731,832 Against Amendment 3
Voters in Charge- $27,283,996.70 For Amendment 3
Watchdog PAC- $6,933,978.15 Conservative PAC
Win Justice- $1,886,680.75 Aims to reach infrequent voters
Working for Florida's Families- $1,427,036.84- Associated with Senator Rob Bradley
Working Together For Florida PAC- $560,711.39- State-wide political committee to promote or discuss candidates for state-wide, multi-county, legislative, county or municipal office and other such activities not prohibited by Chapter 106, Florida Statutes
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